Renseignements détaillés sur les Géopolymères, allez à Institut Géopolymère
For detailed information on Geopolymers, go to Geopolymer Institute
– 23-30 August, Florence, Italy
International Congress of Egyptologists XI, organized by International Association of Egyptologists. We are presenting a communication titled: Non-destructive analysis on 11 Egyptian blue faience tiles from the II and III Dynasties, by J. Davidovits and F. Davidovits, Session 7, Material Culture, on August 25th at 11:45. Go to Florence-Program and to IAE-Egyptology.
– 06-8 July, Saint-Quentin, France
7th Geopolymer Camp 2015, Organized by the Geopolymer Institute;
International workshop on geopolymer science, technology …
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