
Tag: davidovits

Conferences 2015

Renseignements détaillés sur les Géopolymères, allez à Institut Géopolymère
For detailed information on Geopolymers, go to Geopolymer Institute

– 23-30 August, Florence, Italy
International Congress of Egyptologists XI, organized by International Association of Egyptologists. We are presenting a communication titled: Non-destructive analysis on 11 Egyptian blue faience tiles from the II and III Dynasties, by J. Davidovits and F. Davidovits, Session 7, Material Culture, on August 25th at 11:45. Go to Florence-Program and to IAE-Egyptology.

– 06-8 July, Saint-Quentin, France
7th Geopolymer Camp 2015, Organized by the Geopolymer Institute;
International workshop on geopolymer science, technology …
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Conferences 2013

15-16 October, WEBINAR, Fall 2013.
Geopolymer Science

Free Geopolymer Web Workshop Organized by the Geopolymer Institute. Details at Geopolymer Institute

21-21 September, University of Sassari, Sardinia, Italy: Sardinia Green Days Conference
Geopolymer Science

Organized by University of Sassari. International Symposium on Green Chemistry. The title of my conference is “Low CO2 geopolymer cements with Sardinian geological and waste materials”. For details go to Green Chemistry

8-10 Juillet/ July, Saint-Quentin, France
Geopolymer Science and Archaeology
Science des Géopolymères + Archéologie

Geopolymer Camp,
Organized by the Geopolymer Institute,
International workshop on geopolymer science, technology and applications, as well as archaeology. Celebrating …
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Conferences 2012

4 December, Stoke-on-Trent, United Kingdom
Geopolymer Science

Organized by CERAM and Materials KTN / UK  titled: Applications of Geopolymers.

I am presenting a conference as Invited Keynote speaker titled “State of Geopolymer 2012”.

Venue: CERAM, Stoke-on-Trent

for detail go to: https://www.eventsforce.net/iom/frontend/reg/thome.csp?pageID=135744&eventID=313&eventID=313

9-11 Juillet/ July, Saint-Quentin, France
Geopolymer Science and Archaeology
Science des Géopolymères + Archéologie

Geopolymer Camp,
Organized by the Geopolymer Institute,
International workshop on geopolymer science, technology and applications, as well as archaeology. Celebrating 33-year anniversary of the Geopolymer Institute.
Allez à (go to) GeopolymerCamp

24 Mai, Evry, Essonne 

conférence organisée l’UTL-Essonne (Université du Temps Libre)
Au …
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Conferences 2011

4-6 Juillet, Saint-Quentin, France
Geopolymer Science and Archaeology
Science des Géopolymères + Archéologie

Geopolymer Camp,
Organized by the Geopolymer Institute,
International workshop on geopolymer science, technology and applications, as well as archaeology. Celebrating 32-year anniversary of the Geopolymer Institute.
Allez à (go to) GeopolymerCamp

18-20 April, Leuven, Belgium
Geopolymer Science

2nd Slag Valorisation Symposium
Organized by Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering of the KU Leuven (Belgium)
I am presenting a conference as Invited Speaker on Ca-based geopolymer (slag-based) on 18 April, 14:00.
Go to Slag Conference

10 mars, Paris, France
Bible: Joseph-Amenophis Fils de Hapou

conférence organisée par …
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2 Vidéos sur Joseph-Amenophis Fils de Hapou

Ce dossier est constitué de 2 vidéos de 10 minutes, à savoir: une présentation et une interview. Il sert d’illustration à mon dernier livre sur le sujet. Pour plus de détails allez à Et de cette fresque naquit la Bible, (voir mes messages précédents sur le sujet).

1) courte présentation:
Cette courte vidéo de 10 minutes 56 secondes explique la découverte de la fresque par Alexandre Varille et la relation entre le Patriarche Joseph et Amenophis (Amenhotep) Fils de Hapou. Ces nouvelles découvertes archéologiques prouvent que certains récits de la Bible, notamment ceux de la Genèse et de l’Exode, …
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