
Tag: Archaeology

New Book: Ancient Geopolymers in South America and Easter Island

The renowned scientific publisher Springer-Nature has published Prof. J. Davidovits new book entitled: Ancient Geopolymers in South America and Easter Island, available immediately as an e-book and later in print (scheduled for 15 December 2024). Go to:
Ancient Geopolymers: New Book

It is part of the book series: SpringerBriefs in Earth Sciences (BRIEFSEARTH).

The book presents the study (with recent updates) on Ancient Geopolymers in South America and Easter Island regions, exploring the artificial nature of the volcanic rocks used in the construction of Easter Island statues. Contrary to the belief that the statues were carved and transported, Davidovits …
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Ultimate Proofs Tiwanaku / Pumapunku Megaliths are Artificial Geopolymers

At the 10th Geopolymer Camp in 2018, Prof. Joseph Davidovits presented during his annual keynote a brief summary of his last studies on the Tiwanaku (Tiahuanaco) / Pumapunku Megaliths. In November 2017, an international team (a geologist from Universidad San Pablo at Arequipa, Peru and a member of the Geopolymer Institute) went on the site to carry on a survey on these stones. After different analysis on thin sections and under an electronic microscope, Joseph Davidovits claims that his team has found “organic matter in volcanic rock“, which is, by nature, impossible. This points to man-made stone and …
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Wrong statement on Pyramids of Bosnia

I wrote in my main article dedicated to the Bosnian Pyramids an update stating that: “According to our information, we believe that the sample of concrete that I have examined under the electron microscope comes from a type of cistern or water tank (the drilling report is mentioning a concrete “ceiling” and an empty space of 4 meters depth followed by a “concrete” floor, see the pdf below). The geopolymer concrete analyzed is a kind of Roman concrete, which in no way corresponds to the materials that constitute the casing of the pyramids and look like pudding stone. Consequently,
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Paleomagnetism study supports Pyramid man-made stone

A recent scientific study published in the renown “Europhysics News“, The Magazine of the European Physical Society, (2012), Vol. 43, number 6, described how paleomagnetism study on several pyramid stones demonstrates the validity of Davidovits’ theory on the artificial nature of Egyptian pyramid stones.
Two scientists, Dr. Igor Túnyi from Geophysical Institute SAS – Bratislava (Slovak Republic) and Ibrahim A. El-hemaly from National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics – Cairo, Egypt, made the following assumption (quote from their scientific paper):

Our paleomagnetic investigation of the two great Egyptian pyramids, Kufu and Khafre, is based on the assumption
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NOVA mini-pyramid: fiasco and swindle

In recent weeks, several internet forums discuss my involvement in a documentary made in 1991 by the American channel PBS, famous for it popular science program “NOVA” and entitled This Old Pyramid. The objective of NOVA was the illustration of different techniques proposed by experts in the construction of the pyramids of Egypt. NOVA had decided to build at Giza, a mini-pyramid, according to the “old techniques”. I related my experience in several of my books: in French (Ils ont bâti les pyramides, 2002; La nouvelle histoire des pyramides, 2004 and 2006) and in English more recently …
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New analysis shows artificial Pyramid stone

A new scientific analysis demonstrates the artificial nature of Egyptian Pyramid stone. The article titled: “Were the casing stones of Senefru’s Bent Pyramid in Dahshour cast or carved? Multinuclear NMR evidence” was published in Materials Letters 65 (2011) 350–352, by an international team of scientists involving Kenneth J.D. MacKenzie (MacDiarmid Institute for Advanced Materials and Nanotechnology, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand), Mark E. Smith, Alan Wong, John V. Hanna (Department of Physics, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7Al, UK), Bernard Barry (Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences, Lower Hutt, New Zealand) and Michel W. Barsoum (Department of Materials Science …
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Error or forgery on the Stele of Merneptah, known as Israel Stele

The objectives of this article are twofold. First of all, it presents one information omitted in Chapter 11 of my last book in French language De cette fresque naquit la Bible (The Lost Fresco and the Bible ). Then, it denounces an error, or more probably the forgery of an archaeological document of the greatest importance.

The stele of Merneptah contains the oldest mention of Israel in an extra-biblical document. Flinders Petrie discovered it in 1896, at Thebes, Egypt, in Merneptah’s mortuary temple. Merneptah …
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Conferences 2010

7-10 December, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu, India
Geopolymer Science dedicated to building materials
Science des Géopolymères destinée aux matériaux du bâtiment
+ Pyramids

Organized by the Department of Civil & Structural Engineering, Annamalai University

– 7. December: International Workshop on GeopolymerCements and Concretes

  1. Geopolymer Cement (chaired by Prof. J. Davidovits)
  2. Geopolymer Concrete (Chaired by Prof. V.J. Rangan)
  3. Geopolymer Bricks (LTGS) (chaired by Prof. J. Davidovits)

for information go to India Workshop
– 8 December: 7th Structural Engineering Convention (SEC 2010)
I am presenting a Keynote lecture on Geopolymer Science dedicated to building materials.
– 9 December: Public Conference “Why the …
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